AWS Logging Services and Encryption Configurations

David Levitsky
Benchling Engineering
10 min readSep 22, 2022


This blog post is a summarized version of David Levitsky and Matt Lorimor’s talk at BSides Las Vegas 2022. For additional details, you can read the abstract or watch the recording.


Benchling’s mission is to unlock the power of biotechnology. Benchling provides a platform used by 200,000+ scientists to centralize data, improve collaboration and insights, and accelerate the path to scientific discoveries. Due to the high-value nature of biotechnology intellectual property, and with attacks on the sector consistently on the rise, Benchling invests heavily into our security program to protect customer data. We focus on building a highly secure platform, so that our customers can focus on delivering life-changing products.

One of our major areas of focus is securing our cloud infrastructure. To accomplish this, our Threat Detection Engineering and Cloud Security teams partner closely to build secure-by-default guardrails and continuously monitor our cloud environments to protect against threats.

AWS logs are an important data source that we feed into our Threat Detection Pipeline. These logs are a key pillar in securing any cloud environment, as they provide important security telemetry to keep track of what is happening inside of an AWS account. Typically, these logs are sent to S3 for storage, where they are available to be queried or processed downstream for custom workflows. During a security investigation, these logs are often critical when piecing together actions taken by a threat actor.

In this blog post, we’ll describe a scenario our security team researched and uncovered in AWS that could affect the accessibility of log data. We’ll illustrate how subtleties in a bucket’s server-side encryption configuration can result in critical logs being encrypted with an inaccessible key, and detail how to identify and prevent this issue in your own environment.


First, let’s go through a high-level overview of how logs are stored and encrypted inside of AWS. Logs are an AWS-managed service, which is fantastic from a customer usability perspective — just turn them on, specify a destination, and they magically appear.

Figure 1 — Basic AWS Logging Architecture

These logs are often sent to S3 for cheap long-term storage, which also takes advantage of S3’s server-side encryption options to ensure that they are encrypted at rest. (Most organizations have compliance or security requirements to ensure that all data is encrypted at rest.)

S3 provides 3 different options for server-side encryption:

  • SSE-S3: Keys are managed by the S3 service. Each object is encrypted with a unique key.
  • SSE-KMS: Similar to SSE-S3, but with the benefits of KMS. Access control and key rotation policies can be customized.
  • SSE-C: With SSE with Customer-Provided Keys, you manage the encryption keys and Amazon S3 manages the encryption.

While SSE-S3 is easy to set up, in order to ensure more granular and scoped access to logs, SSE-KMS is typically used. Let’s dive a little bit deeper into this encryption configuration.


SSE-KMS enables users to specify the key to use for encryption. The options are:

  • A default AWS-provided key present in customer accounts
  • A custom KMS key

The AWS-provided key is a special key. Aliased as aws/s3 inside of accounts, this key has a key policy that grants permissions to any principal inside of the account to use it, as long as that principal is going through S3.

It’s important to note that this key policy is not modifiable by the customer — it’s essentially written in stone. This means that this key is not accessible by entities outside of our account, which will come into play later in this post.

While the AWS-provided key is easy to get up and running for encrypting S3 data outside of our account, due to its broad scope and lack of access control customization, specifying a custom KMS key is recommended.

With a custom KMS key, we have the ability to configure the key policy, key rotation schedules, and more.

Unexpected Behavior

Now that we have a better understanding of server-side encryption configurations, let’s get back to our original discussion about collecting AWS logs by going through a scenario we encountered.

Imagine that you’re a security engineer who has just become responsible for some new infrastructure in AWS accounts that needs to be integrated into your existing organization and secured. In order to do this, you might come up with a plan that involves:

  1. Collecting security telemetry to enable threat detection
  2. Assessing the security posture of the new infrastructure
  3. Working to close any gaps between current and desired state

For the scope of this post, we’ll focus on the first step: collecting security telemetry to enable threat detection.

Let’s assume we have gained a read-only access role to start pulling security telemetry, such as AWS flow logs. We’re able to find the correct bucket and list the objects, but when we try to access them, we’re faced with an access deniederror. There are no explicit deny statements in the bucket resource policy, and your IAM role has all necessary permissions. What could be going on?

Taking a closer look at the objects, we see that they’re all encrypted with a KMS key, which is great — we want our data to always be encrypted at-rest, and the fact that it’s a custom KMS key is even better. Let’s take a look at the key — perhaps we’re getting an access denied error because the key policy doesn’t grant us access:

Figure 2 — A sample object encrypted with a KMS key.

However, when we click on the key and try to access it, we get another error!

Figure 3 — Error accessing the key.

Upon investigation, the account ID in the ARN of the key is different from the account ID we’re actually operating in. Where is this key coming from? Is this even the AWS log writer that’s writing to the bucket, or something different? Did the data somehow get struck by some cloud-based ransomware?

At this point in time, we only know that:

  • The log data is encrypted with a key that we do not have access to for decryption
  • The key lives in an account that we have no knowledge about

Let’s take a look at the bucket to see what else we can learn.

Diving Deeper

When we check the default encryption configuration of the bucket, we notice something strange. SSE-KMS is turned on to encrypt data at rest, but there’s no key specified:

Figure 4 — Encryption is on, but where’s the key?

There are two things to note here. First of all, this almost looks like a bug in the console. Default encryption is enabled, but no key is listed — how could this be possible? It turns out, when configuring SSE-KMS encryption, specifying a key is optional and implicitly defaults to using the AWS-managed aws/s3 key.

Secondly, we see from Figure 2 that the key used to encrypt objects is definitely not the aws/s3 key. This means that the log writer is providing its own key when encrypting these objects. PutObject requests can specify which key to use, and, as long as the bucket policy doesn’t forbid it or there isn’t some key access issue, the object will happily write with the request-specified encryption. Since the logging service is a managed service, this means that there is a key being chosen, outside of our control, to encrypt the log data.

So what happened?

After lots of experimentation, we discovered that there are three key conditions that combine to trigger this behavior:

  1. SSE-KMS is set as the S3 bucket’s default encryption method
  2. No key is specified in this encryption configuration
  3. An AWS logging service is turned on to write to this bucket

There are some additional subtleties here. If only the first two conditions are met, and there is a service operating inside of the account that writes to the S3 bucket, everything will work fine. This is because the service is running inside of our AWS account, and the aws/s3 key policy will allow access to the key via S3 operations. However, since AWS logging services operate outside of our account, the addition of this third condition results in unexpected behavior where our data is no longer accessible.

The figures below demonstrate the full flow. (Note that we do not work for AWS and are not privy to the exact operations under the hood. This is not an accurate technical diagram and merely serves to illustrate the concepts outlined in this post.)

Figure 5 — First half of writer flow.

As seen in the above diagram, first the logging flow kicks off. A log is generated (for example, a VPC flow log) and the log writer operating in the AWS account writes this into the specified S3 bucket in our account. When the writer wants to write to the bucket, it sees that SSE-KMS encryption is specified. However, since there is no key specified, this implicitly defaults to the aws/s3 key, which is not accessible outside of the customer account, which then causes the operation to fail.

This is where the behavior becomes unexpected. Typically, if operations involving encrypting/decrypting are unable to access the key to perform the operation, they will simply abort. This would result in no logs being written to the bucket and clearly signal that the logging configuration is not valid and needs to be fixed. However, in this scenario, the logging service proceeds by choosing its own key (not configured or specified by the customer) and using it to encrypt the log file. This results in logs being written to the bucket that are no longer accessible by the customer, since the key used to encrypt them lives in an external account and does not grant access for its usage.

Figure 6 — Full writer flow.

How do we fix it?

The crux of the issue lies with the usage of SSE-KMS for server-side encryption without specifying a KMS key, which defaults to usage of the aws/s3 key. While AWS makes some references to this being an unsupported configuration for logging services, it’s very easy to miss this, and the logging services will even appear to succeed by still continuing to deliver logs to our logging bucket — we just won’t be able to decrypt them.

Take a look at some Infrastructure as Code (IaC) snippets below and picture them in a PR containing hundreds or thousands of lines — if you’re not explicitly looking for the absence of a KMS key and aren’t intimately familiar with all the different server side encryption configurations, you may very well miss it. In fact, you may even commend the author for enforcing encryption on their buckets!

Figure 7 — Terraform snippet with a missing key.
Figure 8 — CloudFormation snippet with a missing key.
Figure 9 — CDK snippet with a missing key.

In general, using KMS keys provides more granular security controls and key rotation abilities, so specifying a custom key will allow for an improved security posture for your cloud environment. There are several different ways to catch and prevent this issue.

Proactive prevention

If we have the ability to perform static analysis on your codebase, we can leverage a tool to scan our Infrastructure as Code (IaC) resource definitions and flag any encryption configurations that use SSE-KMS but do not specify a KMS key. See below for a sample policy written in Rego to catch this:

Figure 10 — Sample Rego policy for static IaC analysis.

Additionally, we can take advantage of the x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id condition key and apply a bucket policy to our logging buckets that requires a specific KMS key to be used (one we control) when using default encryption. This would deny any log writes to the bucket that do not use the outlined key.

In fact, because any potential object writer can specify a valid encryption on a PutObject, enforcement of object encryption at-rest in S3 should not be considered complete unless there is, at a minimum, a bucket policy also enforcing that PutObject requests restrict the encryption method used.


If statically analyzing the infrastructure definition is not possible, you could also leverage AWS services such as CloudTrail or Config to detect this configuration and generate an alert to fix this. You may also have a custom asset inventory solution, which would provide you with the ability to search and alert on this configuration.


AWS logs are an important component of security telemetry in a cloud environment. When collecting these logs, it’s vital to be able to access them immediately to answer questions for security investigations. In this blog post, we outlined how subtleties in the interactions between AWS logging services and S3 encryption configurations can result in unexpected behavior that results in data being encrypted with an inaccessible key. We also illustrated some methods to prevent this from happening in the future.

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Security Engineer. Passionate about all things related to cloud platforms. Editor of Simply CloudSec, a blog on cloud security.